How to pronounce God’s Name – YHWH?

If God wanted to make the actual pronunciation of His name known to all, then He would have made it easy. “That men may know that thou, whose name alone is YHWH, art the most high over all the earth” (Ps. 83:18). There is no instruction from Yeshua to call God YHWH but to call Him “Our Father”.

To make one’s name known, you make their character and deeds known. This is exactly what Yeshua did. Let’s not get caught up in the pronunciation of the YHWH name but get caught up in making His Character and Deeds known through Yeshua.

Is God’s name YHWH (Yod Heh Waw Heh) or YHVH (Yod Heh Vav Heh)?

The earliest Hebrew grammarian, Saadia Gaon (10th Century) commentary on the 6th letter of the Hebrew alphabet is Waw not Vav (10th Century). In addition, similar ancient Semitic texts have this letter as Waw not Vav (Syraic, Aramaic languages). Therefore Yod Heh Waw Heh is the correct pronunciation of the letters for YHWH.


Pronunciation of YHWH?

The pronunciation of the Hebrew word is different than the letters (like English dependent on other letters). Pronunciation of YHWH could be Jehovah, Yehovah, Yahowah, Yehwah, Yahweh, Yahwoh, Yahwah..? But which one is most likely correct?

Additional Resources

Updated - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SxCQXWuZ9Ko



Names of God - Ultimately Heavenly Father. The Character of God is in His Name

1. Adonai - “Great LORD” “My LORD” (Gen. 15:2-8; Rev. 19:16; 1 Tim. 6:12-16). Recorded 434 times in the word.

2. Elowahh – “God” (Deut. 32:15)

3. Elohiym - “Plural Intensive God” (Gen. 1:1) recorded 2606 times in the word.

4. Elohiym Bara – “God the Creator” (Is. 40:28; Eccl. 12:1; Rom. 1:25)

5. Eloheenu or Eloheeka - “LORD my God” (Ps. 99:5,8,9; Ex. 20:2,5,7)

6. Elolam - “Everlasting God/God of Eternity” (Gen. 21:33)

7. Elyon - “God Most High” (Ps. 47:2-3; Gen. 14:18)

8. El Shaddai - “Almighty God” “God Who is more than enough” (Gen. 17:1)

9. El Gibbor - “Mighty God” (Is. 9:6-7)

10. El Roi - “God who sees” (Gen. 16:13)

11. El Rakhoom - “Merciful God” (Deut. 4:31; Ps. 107:1)

12. El Kannan - “Jealous God” (Ex. 20:5)

13. El Nacah - “God who forgives” (Ps. 99:8)

14. El Berith - “God of the Covenant” (Judges 9:46)

15. Hoseenu/YHWH Asah - “LORD my Maker” (Ps. 95:6)

16. YHWH (really YHWH) recorded 6519 times in the word (Gen. 4:1)

17. YHWH Elohiym “LORD Plural intensity God” (Gen. 2:4)

18. YHWH Elohiym Yeshuwah – “LORD Plural intensity God of my Salvation” (Ps. 88:1; Micah 7:7).

19. YHWH Elohiym Tseb-aw-aw - “LORD Plural intensity God of Hosts” (Jer. 15:16)

20. YHWH Tsidkenu - “LORD my Righteousness” (Jer. 23:6; 33:16)

21. YHWH Mekaddishkem - “LORD my Sanctifier” (Ex. 31:13)

22. YHWH Rapha - “LORD my Healer” (Ex. 15:26)

23. YHWH Yireh - “LORD my Provider” (Gen. 22:14)

24. YHWH Nissi - “LORD my Banner/LORD our Victory” (Ex. 17:15-16)

25. YHWH Rohi - “LORD my Shepherd” (Ps. 23:1)

26. YHWH Tsur - “LORD is my Strength” (Ex. 15:2; Is. 49:5; 2 Sam. 22:3)

27. YHWH Magen - “LORD our Shield” (Ps. 59:11; Ps. 18:2; 2 Sam. 22:3)

28. YHWH Sabaoth - “LORD of Hosts” (1 Sam. 1:3). The name was eventually understood as a plural of intensity, “LORD Almighty”

29. YHWH Shalom - “LORD my Peace” (Judges 6:24). In Greek, God of Peace (Rom. 15:33; 16:20; 1 Cor. 14:33; Phil. 4:9; 1 Thess. 5:23; Heb. 13:20)

30. YHWH Shammah - “LORD is ever present” (Ezek. 48:35; Rev. 22:5).

31. YHWH Qadosh – “Holy is the LORD” (Is. 6:3; Lev. 19:2)

32. God of Patience (Rom. 15:5)

33. God of Hope (Rom. 15:13)

34. God of Love (2 Cor. 13:11)

35. LORD, Knower of Hearts (Acts 1:24)